Discovering drug targets gets faster — our API upgrades to v3

Please note that since the release of our next-generation Platform, the Open Targets REST API is no longer available.
Head to the Open Targets Platform documentation for details how you can access our data.

Any questions? Email us and we will be happy to help.

We have just rolled out a new version (v3) of the REST API for the Open Targets Platform.

As part of this upgrade, we also have new analyses and exposed additional methods.

We improved our backend performance to a level that allows us to lift the need for user authentication (thank you elasticsearch5!).

What changed?


We changed the technology we use to run our API in production. We are now relying on the Google App Engine service, and we are deployed globally in 3 region: Europe, North America and Asia.

Our users can get data more rapidly, since our servers are closer to their geographical location and our content is cached by a CDN. We can also respond to changes in user demand by automatically scaling our API and main database backend.


The new API is now exposed at and the base path is changed to (note this is only the base URL; to retrieve some data you have to make a more specific request).


Moving to elasticsearch 5 in the backend means we can now serve all the data we have about targets and diseases without stressing our database. The main improvement is coming by the way we paginate to get a large set of results.

In our API v2, you would have used a combination of size and from parameters to get the 5,300,000th element of from /public/evidence/filter. It worked, but was very heavy for the backend. In v3 we are now making use of new functionalities in elasticsearch 5 to get to that 5,300,000th element that are far more efficient.

For each query you’ll do in /platform*/public/evidence/filter* and /platform/public/association/filter a next object will be returned.

To get to the next page you will need to simply pass the values in the next object to your new query.

and keep doing this you can get to the 2,603,229th element.

For back-compatibility, you will still be able to use the old size and from parameters to paginate, but up to a maximum of 10,000 elements.

Authentication and fair usage

With the new pagination method we are now in a place to issue every user a very high allowance on using our API, that should support almost any use case we can think of. There is still a fair usage limit, but should never stand in your way. If it happens please let us know.

As a result of this we are deprecating our current authentication scheme. If you have an API key you will still be able to use it, but it will not affect your allowance. The new allowance is higher than any authenticated user had before.

New methods

There are two new methods that allows you to get similarity scores for targets and diseases based on the platform data.


will return a list of targets sharing a similar pattern of association to diseases.


will instead return a list of diseases sharing a similar pattern of associated targets.

We use these data in the platform on both the target and disease profile page, you can go and have a look under the “similar targets” and “similar diseases” tabs.

We are in the early stages of these endpoints so they are kept in the “private” methods because they might change in the near future.

Open Targets APIv2 still available

Since this version brings in breaking changes, we are keeping online the API v2 at the old address:

You’ll be able to keep running your code on the old API until November the 30th, but the data will not be updated in that version.

We strongly encourage you to start migrating to v3 to access new data, and new methods.

Find out more

If you are free on December the 5th, why not Take a REST with Open Targets? Join us in this free webinar to find more about the Open Targets Consortium and our API.